Helping People in the Midst of Crisis
in Partnership with the PSNI
Active Listening believe everyone in the midst of crisis should have someone they can talk to in confidence, without judgement and with the freedom to determine their next step.
Based in Northern Ireland, we receive referrals from the PSNI for adults in the midst of crisis. We offer face to face confidential listening and signposting.

Bringing hope to individual lives, homes and communities.
Active Listening is a compassionate, confidential and discreet Christian response. We listen and support people in the midst of their crisis, encouraging them to take positive steps forward with hope.
What do we mean when we use the word crisis?
Every day hundreds of people across Northern Ireland find themselves in the midst of some form of crisis and call on the emergency services. Active Listening stand in the gap, bringing practical help.
How Active Listening Works with the Emergency Services
1. Person in midst of crisis. Emergency services assess the situation. If criteria is met emergency services refer to Active Listening.
2. Active Listening assess the referral for suitability. Accepted referrals are directed to a local Team Coordinator.
3. Team Coordinator assesses the referral and assigns two team members. Team Members make contact with person in midst of crisis.
IMPORTANT – Active Listening can only receive referrals from the PSNI and other emergency services. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call the emergency services.
Excellent 24 hour support is also available from Samaritans and Lifeline
Active Listening is making a difference to peoples lives.
To continue supporting the emergency services and helping people, we need your support.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call the emergency services on 999.
Active Listening can only receive referrals from the emergency services.
Please get in touch if you think you could help or would simply like more information about Active Listening
Tel: 07592 944 807
Click here to go to useful Active Listening resources
Northern Ireland Charity Number: NIC100324
Northern Ireland Limited Company Number: NI602918
© Active Listening
An MCC Site